Shop Smart and Avoid Electrical Trade Price Increases

Shop Smart and Avoid Electrical Trade Price Increases
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Shop Smart and Avoid Electrical Trade Price Increases

Shop Smart and Avoid Electrical Trade Price Increases

Are you one of the growing number of sparkies noticing the increase in your monthly account invoice, even though your ordering the same amount of electrical gear, or less? Receiving price increase notifications from a lot of your regular wholesalers?

Electrical trade price increases are here and are already affecting you, whether you know it or not.

Price Increase Example

If you’re wondering what’s causing these increases, the answer lies in the cost of raw materials used to build most electrical components, with increases ranging from 10%-70% in recent years. This is driven by a number of factors. For example, tightened supply combined with expected global growth in demand has pushed price of copper to a nine-year high.

Price Increase Chart

Manufacturers are then forced to pass these costs down the line to importers and exporters, the wholesaler or reseller, each of whom takes their clip, with the increases eventually finding their way onto your invoice or project quote.

Unfortunately, most sparkies are time poor and most project quote and account invoices are not designed to easily pick up just how high some of these increases are. Only by looking through the more detailed order history or statements can the increases be truly seen.

The JH Market Business Model which works direct from manufacturer to trade and cuts out the middleman, means that much of the price increase is absorbed before reaching the sparky. Without compromising on quality, features or impacting warranty.

A recent review of a monthly statement from an electrical wholesaler found thousands of dollars in savings a month that the sparky could have added straight to their bottom line, by purchasing from JH Market.

Want a review and estimate on how much you could be saving by shopping with JH Market? Simply send a detailed monthly statement or project quote through to and one of our Account Managers will be in touch to help you boost your bottom line!

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